The Modernization of Foreign Language Education: The Linguocultural -Communicative Approach
by Salima Kunanbayeva
Year of publication: 2014
Language of publication: English
This textbook is the first of its kind in Kazakhstan to be devoted to the theory and practice of foreign language education. It has been written primarily for future teachers of foreign languages and in a wider sense for all those who are interested in the question of the study and use of foreign languages. This book outlines an integrated theory of modern foreign language learning (FLL) which has been drawn up and approved under the auspices of the school of science and methodology of Kazakhstan’s Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
3 in stock
The Modernization of Foreign Language Education: The Linguocultural -Communicative Approach
by Salima Kunanbayeva
Year of publication: 2014
Language of publication: English
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